Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Madeline Rose
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Catching Up

It has been way to long since I made a post. It's not my fault! Ever since I almost dumped a carafe of coffee on the laptop Mom hasn't let me near the computer. I had to wait until she let her guard down.
Luckily there has been so much going on at our house that Mom is distracted and I can take over. Oh Kitties you would not believe what is happening at our house! It used to be so nice. I was the only cat, the only source of entertainment and cuddles. It was all about me just as it should be.
Then Mom had to go and become a foster for the Dane County Humane Society. A KITTEN FOSTER no less! You would not believe how many little grasshoppers we had running around here! Well I tell you I had to put the paw down. Enough is enough I said. A girl couldn't even get a nap in peace once the little demons came out of their room.

So Mom said fine. How about we take in a older kitty? It will only be for two weeks and then she will go back to her family. Blah Blah Blah. You know how humans can be they talk so much!
Well just to get her to stop talking at me I said fine, just stop bothering me. Sure enough in came Madeline Rose. She has a whole story that I will ask her to tell you at a later date but lets just say two weeks turned into forever. She's is a real nice old lady cat and has a horrible life story so I guess I am glad she is safe and here with us.
However it is supposed to be ALL ABOUT ME! Hurmph!
You haven't heard the worst of it though. Then their was another grasshopper(kitten). He didn't jump around much at first because he was real sick. I do have to say one thing for her. Mom does know how to make a cat healthy. She did it for me when I was real sick as a kitten she learned lots of stuff. Pretty soon that grasshopper was jumping around just like the others and because he didn't have any other grasshoppers to play with just guess who he jumped on!
Well kitties I do have to admit that at first I kind of liked him. Sometimes I would even sleep by him. Just to make sure he was still breathing of course! Then our Grandpa went to the bridge and lots of people came to our house. Mom took off of work and because she was so busy the amount of time he stayed just got longer and longer. What do you know now is going to live with us forever too!

Don't you worry kitties I put the paw down. I said 3 is ENOUGH! Mom agreed and is going to take a break from fostering thank goodness!
Well Kitties I can hear Mom coming so I better go for now. Don't worry she just thinks I use the lap top as a butt warmer. Hee Hee Hee!
More posts to come soon until then I am sending you lots of head butts and chin scritches!
Yours, Madison

foster cats,
Friday, February 19, 2010
I haven't been around for a lonnnnng time. Mostly because my Mom says she is too busy to post things. I say that is no excuse i miss my cat friends. We have had a lot of changes in our family since I last wrote to you and I will fill you in on all the details but for today I have to tell you that I am in Trouble with a capital T.
All of you know how much I like to go out side. Since it is winter and I don't stay out side as long as I would normally Mom and I have come to a agreement. On the days she has to go to work I wake her up once the sun rises. She lets me go out with out being tied up! The deal is she calls me back by shaking my treat bottel. She always gives me a 10 min warning so far the whole winter I have been very good.
Execpt for today. Mom was supposed to meet Grandma before work to give her something she left at our house. I got caught up in the most delicious smell. I heard Mom shaking the treat bottel. I even heard her outside walking in the snow calling for me. Kitties you know how it is don't you? I just couldn't help myself!
Well when I came back Mom didn't yell or scream she gave me a pet and some treats but then she said the worst thing ever! "I dissapointed in you Madison. I thought we had a deal? I love you and I will be home around 7pm tonight."
It turns out I made her a half hour late for work, not only that I made Grandma late for her meeting too.
Kitties I feel so guilty. I guess I will have to do better tomorrow. I am sending big head butts and cheek rubs to all of you! It's nap time! I luvs naps!
I haven't been around for a lonnnnng time. Mostly because my Mom says she is too busy to post things. I say that is no excuse i miss my cat friends. We have had a lot of changes in our family since I last wrote to you and I will fill you in on all the details but for today I have to tell you that I am in Trouble with a capital T.
All of you know how much I like to go out side. Since it is winter and I don't stay out side as long as I would normally Mom and I have come to a agreement. On the days she has to go to work I wake her up once the sun rises. She lets me go out with out being tied up! The deal is she calls me back by shaking my treat bottel. She always gives me a 10 min warning so far the whole winter I have been very good.
Execpt for today. Mom was supposed to meet Grandma before work to give her something she left at our house. I got caught up in the most delicious smell. I heard Mom shaking the treat bottel. I even heard her outside walking in the snow calling for me. Kitties you know how it is don't you? I just couldn't help myself!
Well when I came back Mom didn't yell or scream she gave me a pet and some treats but then she said the worst thing ever! "I dissapointed in you Madison. I thought we had a deal? I love you and I will be home around 7pm tonight."
It turns out I made her a half hour late for work, not only that I made Grandma late for her meeting too.
Kitties I feel so guilty. I guess I will have to do better tomorrow. I am sending big head butts and cheek rubs to all of you! It's nap time! I luvs naps!
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
My Rebellion Gone Wrong

I love the garage on rainy days! Mom is usually OCD about making sure the garage door is closed. Today however she was distracted by the phone and swung the door open with out thinking. There in front of me was the lovely garage door wide open beaming in light. One look at that and I thought Ah Ha! I will make you pay! I flashed a look of triumph to Mom, and I was out the door in a second flat.
I had been thinking about what I would do the next time I got free. You might even say I had been plotting this for months. Before Mom had even gotten outside I scrambled up a tree and I was up on the roof. You should have seen Mom run around the house calling to me. It was hilarious!

There aren't any more pictures mostly because Mom dropped her camera and threw her shoe at the hawk. (don't worry she didn't hit him just scared him so he wouldn't pick me up and fly away with me.) I don't really remember what happened next mostly because I was scared. Mom said I ran over the top of the roof and disappeared along with the hawk. She looked all over for me for close to two hours. She finally called our friend Shelia who jumped in her car and came over right away.
Once Sheila got there I knew it was ok to come out. Mom was pretty upset by this time because she thought that the hawk had gotten me. (This has happened to one of our friends little dogs.) When Sheila drove into our driveway I let my Mom see me, but then our neighbor's dog came running after me because I was in his yard. I got really scared again and ran as fast as I could right up a big tree and back down again. Finally I got to my favorite place in my yard. Shelia came and sat down on the ground right in the middle of the rain and flashy storm, and talked to me real nice and I went and sat in her lap.
Mom's face was all wet and I don't think it was just the rain. Once she calmed down she hugged me real tight. It was a long time before she set me down.
So I guess the moral of the story is be careful when you try to rebel it usually gets you in more trouble then you need. More about the rug rats trip to the vet tomorrow!
Good Day, Madison
foster cats,
on the roof,
Red Tail Hawk,
running away
Monday, June 08, 2009
Meet the Meriwether's

It's me Madison, reporting in on Tuesday morning . This photo was taken Saturday. I like it because I look kind of dreamy. I will explain later why I am outside with out wearing my walking jacket or leash. Lets just say it's a touchy subject right now.
These are the Meriweither's. They are kind of funny the way they run from one side of the room to the other like a small basketball team. Right now they are in the foster room. Mom says they have to stay stay separate until we get a all clear from the vet. Frankly I hope they just stay in there but it does kind of cut into my adoration time when Mom goes in there with out me.

We will start the introductions with the biggest Percival Meriwether. Mom says she named him Percival because he is the most persistent and the protector of his brother's and sister. For the first few day's Percival would pace the perimeter while the other kittens ate so he could protect them. Then when he had decided everyone had eaten enough he would sit in the bowl and eat between his legs so no one could take it away from him.

Next is Chester Meriwether. Grandpa named him but we all agreed he looks like a Chester. He is also slower so he is easier to get pictures of. Chester loves to sleep, eat, and poop alone. Everyone else does everything all together, but Chester likes his privacy and is happy to wait to get it. He is a very sweet boy who Mom says is the politest of the bunch.

Last but not least is Mia Meriwether. She is the smallest and fierce. She will attack her brothers all the time by trying to eat them. Mom said she named her Mia because everything she sees she claims as Mine! She is a jumper but does it so fast Mom haven't been able to catch her on film yet. She also loves to climb down Mom 's shirt and pass out from utter exhaustion.

Good day, Madison
My Introduction

That is a picture of me. I am Madison. The Cat.
Mom says that statement is redundant, but I want to make it clear that I am the superior being writing this blog. I would like to welcome you to my blog. Having my own blog is part of a agreement Mom and I came to when she told me she wanted to foster some kittens this spring and summer for the Dane County Humane Society. She told me she felt drawn to help more cats and kittens then just volunteering as a care staff at a different shelter Dane County Friends of Ferals.
Personally I think that the only cat that Mom needs to be worrying about is me. But then she just goes on and on about how I am the lucky one because I have a forever home blah blah blah... I guess it's ok for her to help other felines just as long as all of my needs are seen too the second I start thinking about needing them.
Since Mom had to mess up everything and bring these noisy, messy, little things into MY house I told her that I needed to have a place to share my important, deep thoughts. A example of me thinking these deep thoughts is shown below.

Good day, Madison
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